Feb 15, 2011

Its not Valentine ..It about Love

Its Love!  yes  yes yes ...I Love The Love ! I mean who doesn't !
 I love to give Love and to be Loved :)

Love People....... they become Loved ones!
Love stuff ..........they become your precious!
Love even streets & paths ....... that led you to wonderful moments
Love places & Destinations ......That hold Lovely memories 

Love Love ... and you wil Love your Life every single moment day and night just let Love fit in everthing :)

I am a person that Love LOVE ;) I have to admit it I'm in Love with Love :P

The Love of my Family my Lovely one of a kind mama :* my sis L elw7eeda :P my two brothers and oh more than brothers to me  :*

My Lovely Friends are My stars you Know what you all mean to me
and how U guys helped me during those difficult times your hugs I can still feel them :*

You know yourself , Don't you?:)

I never ever felt I could hold myself when It comes to Love ! when I get excited about something 3adi I go running to my friend hugging her with a squeeze :)  That's the way I share it :)

although I do say  the word I love U alot but still lazm loyah in expressing ;P 

Give to Get always give even If you don't get at that time believe me Love will rain on you soon or Later :)

Get to Give..... try to appreciate your angels your beloved ones to what they give you  , show them your love everday with a smile , a hug , a funny pic like I do send them by Mobile :)

Here is the story.... for years I've been wishing to get flowers on valentines.

I had that wish and I've said it like months ago to some friend no no no not some friend its to the best Friend ever and yes sorry she will never be yours:P ma aqdr akhaleeha tkon refeegat a7ad :P many people already asked me to be friends with her :P

Who is she ? she is my Friend Noor .... My Guardian :* you wanna know her more.checkout how happy I was when she got Back.

It not Valentine its  the Love ..... That what it means to me so called Valentine.... Got this lovely flowers sent to my Office and yes I was surprised ;) you made my day Noro :*

Having those flowers from you is waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay better than having them from 10000000000 Admirer or a husband :P you know that huh ;)

Love you ...Te Amo :P you're a Beautiful Soul ;)

You  made my wish come true and I got the Flowers.

I've been asking for them long time ago but I should have expected them from a person like you :*

Keep up Holding my hand through this Life together as best friend until the End :) and we shall meet in Heaven inshallah :*

and since Red is the trend today :P thought this could be cute loool ok I know I'm adicted to Qatar :P its ok ...Isn't it ?

7lo el cap 9a7 ? its a good quality tra :)
mn 6aqat maloot disney & Universal

I've learned that I will never ever stop  asking God for what I want no matter the what the disappointments we get in life ...Keep asking for what you want but don't say I want to get it from that person or the other ......Let that for God to decide ;) Let God bring it to you the way he sees it because its gonna be the Perfect right way and thats for Granted !