Mar 2, 2011

Celebrate 4th of July in the States

Since we've been celebrating lately in my Country Kuwait :) thought about posting about my experience in celebrating the 4th of July in the United States!

That was in our trip to the states last summer 2011( for more info check back at my previous post on NY and more) I've planned it before we left Kuwait that I wanted to celebrate in California but where I didn't have a place in mind ! So when we arrived there I learned from some people at the mall that Newport beach will have some fireworks at night !

once before I celebrated 4th of July at Disney Land California.So that time I wanted something different and I did !

We celebrated with the american people at NewPort Beach :) ahaaaal Newport Beach ketakeet lol we mixed weyahum ! They were so Kind and sweet :) loved the area and loved the people and next time I might stay there inshallah :)

Fashion Island at Newport Beach

This is how they get ready for the fireworks !
isn't it lovely ! ya 7lo eltrteeb wallah