Mar 1, 2011

Count your Blessings

And That's how Life goes on ... appreciate what you do and appreciate what others do and it will wonderfully goes around.

We worked hard me and my friends at work for That day to celebrate the Golden Jubilee in my Country Kuwait.

We agreed to keep stress and tension away so we could enjoy the day like everybody else and That's what we did !

We worked hard really hard ... and I know many people too all around the world no matter what the event is.

at the end you want people smiles that the best thing to get back for me !

But coming to work and finding this wonderful note in my office from an indian engineer at my work made my day ! not only my day it made my life ! how is this ? with people like her around me I keep going on ! I keep giving and if that's what I'm getting I will always dedicate myself for giving more and more. Having those people who appreciate me is a Bless

Yes count your Blessing.... take a minute and do and you will find that God gave you alot ...its not alot !actually God gave you what you really need and you should be happy ..Alf el7mdella

Going to bed everyday knowing that I made a difference in someone's life even a tiny difeerence makes me happy and helps me to forget all the bad thoughts that I sometimes have.

Thank you to all the people in my life ...I love you so much are my blessings :* 


  1. Oh god el7mdelaaaah u did a great job walaah

  2. ya36ech il 3afia maga9artaiy allah ekather min amthalich, thanks for the inspirational post.

  3. New Bride: guess we did alf el7mdella bs we would have done better lw ench kntay weyana :( mokanech kan embayen ;)

    giggles: ma qa9artay 3la hl klaaam el7lo :* ajma3eeen enshallah ya rab ! o yes we need to appreciate small things they make me survive life wallah ;)
