No One goes to Miami without hanging out at Lincoln Road ! We went for Lunch at Shake Shack which is located at Linox Road and we stayed there until late night ! a beautiful place to shop and dine.
Lincoln Road is a pedestrian mall between Alton Road and Washington Avenue. It it has unique stores offer items not typically found in malls, and restaurants and cafes are common. Most restaurants offer either indoor or outdoor seating, but most people love the outdoor , its Miami who wants the indoor ;)
Next time I'm hopping on this for sure lol |
![]() |
This is how Lincoln Road looks like ... from the left Lenox Rd is where shake shack burgers is and to right is to the Ocean and to SB south Beach ;) |
We got to the beach by sunset so we missed the crowds ;P take a look
South Beach ;) SB |
and that's when I realized I have to get me a dog ! lol |
Lincoln Road at night |
Juicy Miami was something different ! bs mako 3la mal NYC |
Visit to get the directions to this parking |
and 7beeebti our car ...I miss u ALOT :( |
It is well known that Lincoln Road has a constant flow of stunningly attractive women and men passing by, and many wear fashionable clothes ( well from what I saw I can say that's completely right ) but what Attracted me more is the Tan !people are all tanned in that amazing color ! all having the same color ! I just wished if I can speak spanish when I was there ;)
Aaaaaaaah I miss SB
nice pictures btw and great trip.
Waiting for the rest ;)
il mukan shakla 7elow kil shaiy bara o il nas kelha bara min 3ether kil wa7ed tanah a7la min il thani wetgolen laish il nas kelhom tan hehe ;p
The Stig: you just cant get enough of Miami ( its a place I can stay forever :)
giggle: kil shay brah mo hata eli eyanin la o tra bs e9eeer elthehr shofay elshams t7req bs mood elawadem 6bee3i mo mthl eli 3ndea ! loonhum kh6eer kan lol ybeelha akthar min yoomen o a9eer w7da mnhum lol
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